Series 2: Feminism and…
The Body
Topic 1
In our first topic of Series 2, we are speaking about the ways the feminist movement has engaged with discussions of the body. Our bodies are such a central part of our personal lives and political lives, and women’s bodies are as varied as anything. There’s just so much to talk about! So in this topic, we’ve dipped our toes into capitalism and our bodies in our theory article, (dis)ability and our bodies in our dictionary definitions, and the reality and artificiality of cis and trans women’s bodies in our podcast.
We have some excellent people writing and dictionary-defining this month.
We’re massively excited about our podcast too - our guests are Julia Serano and Talia Mae Bettcher, who are some of our favourite theorists around at the moment. Check it all out!
Julia Serano, Silvia Federici and Talia Mae Bettcher
Dictionary Definitions
Reached the end and still have questions? There’s buckets of theory you can get stuck into, check out the podcast pages for our references and recommendations. We always love being asked questions too (though no promises we know the answers). Leave us a comment, drop us a DM, or send us an email.
How have feminists viewed the body? Silvia Federici’s answer in Caliban and the Witch involves witch-hunts, magic, machines, Capitalism and population decline.