Here you will find all sorts of writings on feminist theory - some opinion pieces, some explanatory pieces, some creative pieces. You’ll see a couple of different categories used to organise the pieces. Check out the bottom of the page for an explanation of the categories.
Women’s Movements and ‘Backlash’
This article expands on some of the ideas around Feminism and Backlash that we speak about in our podcast with Nancy Kelley. Check them both out!
Unpaid Community Labour of Black Women
In our article for Series 2 Topic 4, we unpack the work of Nina Banks, a feminist economist who argues that we need a framework for understanding not only classic labour, not only domestic labour, but community labour too.
In this explainer article, we unpack Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies’ theory in their book entitled ‘Ecofeminism,’ published in 1993. This theory, and Shiva in particular, were very influential in forming ‘old school’ eco-feminism.
Caliban and the Witch
How have feminists viewed the body? Silvia Federici’s answer in Caliban and the Witch involves witch-hunts, magic, machines, Capitalism and population decline.
Extended Version: Caliban and the Witch
This is an extended version of this month’s article, for anyone extra curious about Silvia Federici’s account of capitalism’s effect on our bodies.
A Broken Wave
An article exploring how second wave feminism was particularly focused on the priorities of white, middle-class women.
Fetishisation and Racial Ambiguity
A piece from our Archives, this piece was written on the theme ‘OWN.’ Writer Louisa Hinks shares about experiencing fetishisation as a racially ambiguous woman.
Audre Lorde: The Master’s Tools
A piece from our Archives, this article was written on the theme ‘OWN.’ This article explores how feminist academic needs to own up to its internal problems. It explores the work of Audre Lorde, particularly her work ‘The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House.’
A voice I’m not sure I own
A piece from our OWN collection. Our contributor created this collage reflecting on the complexity of not having full control over what is yours.
Articles in this category are from our new series — ‘Series 1: start at the beginning.’ Find out more about that by clicking on the ‘Series 1’ drop down menu at the top of the page.
Series 1
These are written pieces that we published before May 2022, which is when we started publishing in series. There are loads of nuggets of gold from our writers, so check them out!
In November 2021, we asked our contributors to create content focusing on the word ‘own.’ We had some brilliant visual, audio and written pieces submitted on topics of spaces, bodies, belonging, loneliness, labour and language. Check out any pieces with that category in the ‘Read’ and ‘Listen’ section of the website.