Queerness, for me, refers to all genders and sexual identities which are not cisgender (so identifying as the gender originally written on your birth certificate), or heterosexual. Even though ‘queer’ was used as an insult towards LGBT people, the LGBT community now use the word to make visible that people’s identities are much more varied, and that we can think about people from a non-binary perspective. In other words, you don’t just have to be one or the other (man, woman, straight, gay, cis, trans, etc), and we shouldn’t talk about our gender and sexual identities as if these are the only two options.
Defined by Ana-Sofia
Queerness refers to people with a fluid sexual and gender identity. Queerness is about rejecting the heternormative idea that gender and sexuality are binary (so that you have to be a man or a woman, straight or gay).. It is also a community inside of LGBTQIA+ spectrum which works to empower individuals by allowing them to reject binary sexual identities.
Defined by Denisse Calderón
About our contributors
Denisse Calderón
Denisse is a feminist psychologist who has worked in different organizations to stop violence against women in Chile.
Ana-Sofia is a feminist psychologist and the co-founder of an NGO called De-Mentes, that fights against stigma around mental health in Peru. She is currently studying an MA in Gender Studies at the University of Sussex.